Have you been noticing higher energy bills? You could be in use of a dryer vent cleaning! Check out our blog to learn more.

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Clogged dryer vents are an inconvenience and also potentially dangerous! When dryer vents fill up with lint, this lint becomes highly flammable. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has reported roughly 2,900 dryer fires each year, leading to $35 million in property loss, injuries, and even death. Luckily, throughout the years, we’ve accumulated some tips on how to spot the signs of a potentially clogged dryer vent. The Air Duct Cleaning Experts of Chandler hope these tips can help!

Signs of a Clogged Vent

High Monthly Energy Bills

Have your monthly energy bills been skyrocketing lately? When dryer vents become clogged, clothes fail to properly dry, causing multiple cycles to be run. Examine your monthly bills and contact a professional if the amount seems unusual, especially with the current season.

Musty Odors

If your laundry has a strange, musty odor, it could be a sign of a clogged dryer vent! Dryer vents are designed to let moisture escape, but when the pathway becomes clogged, the moisture has nowhere else to go. If your clothes and sheets are smelling like mold and mildew, act quickly! Schedule a duct cleaning appointment and enjoy the feeling of clean, fresh laundry.

Clothes Need Multiple Cycles to Dry

Opening your dryer only to find damp clothes is such a hassle! If you’ve found yourself running multiple loads over and over again, you might have a clogged dryer vent. Thankfully, you can save time and energy while doing your laundry after a dryer vent appointment. Say goodbye to the hassle!

There Is Debris Outside of the Dryer Vent

Outside your home, you can find a small vent allowing air from your dryer to exit. If this vent is cluttered and seems to be surrounded by debris, schedule a dryer vent cleaning immediately. This action could save you thousands of dollars, and even your life.

The Dryer is Unusually Hot

Is your load of laundry hot to the touch? Does your dryer seem to radiate heat lately? If you walk into your laundry room and notice an immediate temperature change, your dryer may be overheated. Save yourself and your home from a potential fire. A dryer vent cleaning may be just what you need!

We hope these tips were able to be of use! The Air Duct Cleaning Experts of Chandler are here to provide dryer vent cleanings to the residents of Chandler, Gilbert, Maricopa, Sun Lakes, Mesa, Tempe, and Phoenix. Contact us today and restore the safety of your home. Dryer vent cleanings are easy when you give us a call!

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