Are you curious about what type of air purifier is best for your home? The Air Duct Cleaning Experts of Chandler can help pick the right unit for you.

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When it comes to installing an air purifier for their home, a common question homeowners ask is “what air purifier should I get?” There are multiple different types of air purifiers, all with their various strengths and weaknesses. Luckily, our HVAC experts can help you narrow down your options, selecting the right unit to fit your needs.

Types of Units

HEPA Air Purifiers

These are among the most popular types of air purifiers, thanks to their high efficiency in trapping air particles. HEPA air purifiers have a maze-like tangle of fibers that air must pass through. When air travels through this filter, particles are trapped, allowing only the clean air to be pushed through and distributed. HEPA filters can last up to 2-4 years and must be replaced in order for the system to work properly. One of their drawbacks is that they cannot remove odors, scents, or gases.

Activated Carbon Air Purifiers

Activated carbon filters employ a porous carbon filter that traps not only particles but scents as well. They can absorb perfume scents, tobacco smoke, chemical emissions, and even formaldehyde, a chemical found in carpet and wood paneling. They are particularly helpful for those who suffer from allergies and asthma and are highly recommended to homeowners with young, elderly, or immunocompromised family members. Carbon filters are unfortunately rarely installed on their own. They can only clean the air that passes through them, leaving certain particles to fall through the cracks.  For peak air efficiency, it is recommended that you install another purifier, one that specializes in removing all the particles within a room.

UV Air Purifiers

UV Air purifiers depend on UV light to break down germs and other particles. When bacteria, fungi, and other harmful viruses pass through the UV lamp, the light breaks down their chemical bonds, rendering them into harmless particles such as water or carbon dioxide. Like carbon filters, it is recommended that you install this purifier on top of another. If you value your air quality, we highly recommend combining HEPA, carbon, and UV air filters. When all three systems work together, they can reduce virtually all particles, odors, and viruses.

Ionic Air Purifiers

Ionic air purifiers send negative ions into the air within your home. When these ions are met by positively charged particles in the air, they attach themselves, weighing down the dust, debris, and pollutants. These pollutants fall to the floor, where they can easily be swept up and disposed of. These systems are easy to maintain and don’t require filters. One of their drawbacks is that they are less effective than the other types of air purifiers. If the fallen particles are not cleaned up, they can be distributed back into the airflow, continuing to circulate around your home.


The Air Duct Cleaning Experts of Chandler hope these tips were able to be helpful! In short, we highly recommend HEPA, activated carbon filters, and UV air purifiers when you’re looking to effectively clean your air. Ionic air purifiers are easier on the budget, and are better than no air purifier at all, but fall short of the high-efficiency rates of the other units. For air purifier installation, or to answer any of your questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our professionals are always eager to lend a hand. Call us at 480-561-6345!

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